Sunday, September 2, 2012

What my memorial tattoo means!

I have been getting a lot of emails and texts from people telling me how awesome my memorial tattoo is, and the question everybody seems to ask is, "Why did you choose the Alien from the Alien movies (starring Sigourney Weaver)?" There are two stories that gave me the idea for the tattoo. After my dad graduated from college, he decided to treat his mom (my grandma lol) to a movie! And what movie did he choose to take grandma to? Alien. He said it scared her so bad she vowed never to go to another movie with him ever again. Flash forward many years and Kim and I were around 5-6 years old. Dad decided to educate us on different genres of film, so he had us watch the Alien films, then Predator, The Terminator and Robocop. Ever since those movies remained dear in my heart, but Alien was the one that has stuck with me the most. He LOVED that movie. I had an image in my head of the tattoo, and it turned out bigger and better than I ever imagined. It is easily my favorite tattoo and a great tribute to a great man :)

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