Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life is beautiful

I have so many wonderful blessings in my life right now! Tomorrow morning I start my brand new job (part-time until I am out of school!) with an amazing company that runs group homes for children and adults with developmental disabilities. I have worked in this environment before and it truly is where my passion is. On Monday I start my third and final term at school! I will have six weeks of classes (phlebotomy and learning how to do a few other things), and five weeks of clinicals where I will shadow around a clinic and learn the ropes.

My health is in a great place right now as well! I have good days and bad days, but recently the good have outweighed the bad. RJ is amazing as always, and I couldn't be happier.

I hope all of you are doing well! I know I suck at posting and keeping in contact but I just wanted to check in and let it be known that all is well, and I am enjoying my life and where its headed.